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English translation for "voltage follower"


Related Translations:
followers:  追随者
follower rest:  从动扶架,跟刀架(车床)随动刀架随动中心架随行刀架
team follower:  随队人员
follower confidence:  有信心
mushroom follower:  菌形从动件菌形随动片曲面随动件
follower amplifier:  跟随放大器跟踪放大器
flat follower:  随动圆片
packing follower:  填料压紧环
envelop follower:  包络跟随器
Example Sentences:
1.The paper analyzes the fundamental part circuit of current conveyor , the current mirror and the voltage follower
2.After introduction of the tranlinear loop principal , the bjt current controlled conveyor has been designed by using mixed tranlinear loop voltage follower . as for modern integrated circuit , the model of mos transistor , the active resistance and the current mirror integrated circuit formed by mos transistor are introduced . the cmos current controlled conveyor has been derived from mixed tranlinear loop cmos voltage follower based on weak inversion operation
Similar Words:
"voltage fluctuation" English translation, "voltage fluctuation amplitude" English translation, "voltage fluctuation characteristic" English translation, "voltage fluctuation waveform" English translation, "voltage fluctuations" English translation, "voltage follower circuit" English translation, "voltage free" English translation, "voltage frequency converter" English translation, "voltage frequency transducer" English translation, "voltage functuation" English translation